Policy and Politics – What’s your na’au got to do with it?

Someone said to me recently, “Why do you bother doing the work you’re doing? Nothing you or I do is going to make a difference.”

My answer is, I don’t have a choice.

I am blessed (or cursed depending on your perspective) with a stomach that hurts when I see the injustice and just look the other way.

I feel it in my na‘au and cannot sleep at night.

To be clear, William Wallace charging up the hill with sword drawn to take out the bad guys is not something I aspire to.

But I do have a voice, a platform, some experience, and the capacity to help – so I must.

And please, don’t tell me nothing we do, no action we take, no phone call, no email, no lawsuit, and no carrying signs or marching in the street, is going to make a difference.

I beg to differ and have seen changes happen in my life-time.

In 1954, the year I was born, segregation under the “separate but equal” doctrine was ruled unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court in the landmark case Brown v. Board of Education.

The world has come a long way since then. There’s been a multitude of positive changes made in our society. And those changes would not have happened except for the effort and work of individual people working together towards a common goal.

Yes, there continues to be far too much pain, sadness, and terrible stuff going on in the world, and yes we each as individuals can help make life and our planet better, healthier, and happier.

Dr. King said, “The Arc of the Moral Universe is Long, But it Bends Toward Justice.”

The big wins are important but so are the little ones.

The starfish story comes to mind. “A small girl walks on a beach after a storm rescuing the starfish onshore by throwing them back into the ocean. A man approaches the girl and points out to her there are miles of beach and hundreds of starfish she cannot possibly save, the girl listens politely, throws another starfish back into the surf and says, “Yes, but I made a difference for that one.”

To those drawn to this work: Listen to your na’au, do your homework, organize with friends, take action, and never, never quit.

Attack the big causes and climb those mountains that might at first seem insurmountable, but also take on those issues that can be resolved using your own personal labor and individual focus.

Challenge loudly and persistently the unjustness of the world, and then go out and pick up trash in your community. Join in support of a lawsuit fighting injustice and then load up the neighborhood kids who might not have a functioning family life, and take them along with your own children to the beach. Send those emails and make the calls

Just show up.

We can and we must keep working and fighting to make a positive difference in big ways and in small ones.

To the cynics who doubt our efforts are worth the time and energy, I ask that you join us, please. Join us as we pick up plastic and the drift nets, collect food for the food bank, and take those kids to the park. Come with us also to those council and legislative hearings where we testify, and push hard for the policy changes needed.

Trust me on this folks. Our voices and actions do make a difference.

My journey down this path started in 1992 fighting to save Makaleha Springs. I know from that experience and countless others since then, that our voices matter and our actions do make a difference.

To those that are doing the work and showing up, mahalo.

To everyone else, please join us. Your na’au will thank you for it.

Gary Hooser

First published in The Garden Island Newspaper 06/05/24
Note: Because of the volume, and because much of my writing is done “on the fly” via my iPhone – please ignore my typos or sometimes disjointed sentences 😉 Sign up for my somewhat unconventional email newsletter (though it’s not really a newsletter but I don’t know what else to call it) – Policy & Politics at https://policy-and-politics.mailchimpsites.com

About garyhooser

This blog represents my thoughts as an individual person and does not represent the official position of any organization I may be affiliated with. I presently serve as volunteer President of the Hawaii Alliance for Progressive Action (H.A.P.A.) www.hapahi.org I am the former Vice-Chair of the Democratic Party of Hawaii. In another past life, I was an elected member of the Kauai County Council, a Hawaii State Senator, and Majority Leader, and the Director of Environmental Quality Control for the State of Hawaii - in an even earlier incarnation I was an entrepreneur and small business owner. Yes, I am one of the luckiest guys on the planet. Please visit my website AND sign up for my newsletter (unlike any email newsletter you have ever gotten, of that I am sure) - http://www.garyhooser.com/#four “Come to the edge.” “We can’t. We’re afraid.” “Come to the edge.” “We can’t. We will fall!” “Come to the edge.” And they came. And he pushed them. And they flew. - Christopher Logue (b.1926)
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3 Responses to Policy and Politics – What’s your na’au got to do with it?

  1. dancingcloudrefuge says:

    Kind of like adopting a child, or ‘accidentally’ having one. Once you’re in, you’re in for the duration.

    And sometimes the issue you chose to care about like the profligate use of pesticides can take as long to resolve as raising a child, it seems.

    Life is (not so) funny that way. 😉 Rob Culbertson

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